i've been reading The World Order of Baha'u'llah by Shoghi Effendi recently. i've always kinda known this, but reading it drove the point home to me: having the love of Baha'u'llah is not enough. we are Baha'is because we love Baha'u'llah, right? but if all we do is love Him and belive in Him, then we're missing all the rest of the bounties that
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The reality is that walls are movable and are a composite of material. Divine Laws are given to us, not simply as a list of thou shalts and thou shall nots. They are always given to us with God's fairness and bounty. In Baha'u'llah's Revelation we have been blessed with a wealth of guidance, spiritual lessons, and our community, which add to the composite of the wall of the Laws.
It is so easy to say that one is obedient to the laws or another is not. But, in my opinion, we are not safe in our house if our walls are composed merely with the letter of the law and not with the brick AND mortar of virtues and spiritual qualities (such as compassion, discipline, self awareness) and the community.
Thanks for the post, Mom
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