not that aphex twin is really any better...
whilst sitting at the
pr'skelet (
and) i was suddenly reminded of the gimmicky, albeit fun, rimksy korsicoffee in p-town. (website not being able to be found, and i'm not so much a fan of linking to places like portland city search...) dad, you'd love this little dungeon kava bar. it's off the beaten path, but only just a little, and it's entrance is pretty easy to spot, since it's a skeleton hanging in a large iron cage at the end of the alleyway in which it inhabits. similar in a way to rimsky's, in that it doesn't overly advertise it's existance, save for the large cage mentioned earlier, it's a charming little place to find yourself whilst wandering the streets of ljubljana. i rather enjoyed the visit, and plan to go there more often. while the joint was packed for the evening, by a crowd one wouldn't normally attribute to enjoying scenes of skeletal torture and decay, it was still well worth the times spent on their unique, hard, stools.
all the while, i talked with artist friend kiki about food. well, we talked about a lot of things, as conversations tend to be rather organic, but food was largely the topic of focus. specifically soup. while in the middle of this discussion, i suddenly felt another pang at the loss of the beloved antiki cafe. i was reminded of the constant metioning of how fabulous our soups were at the cafe, and i suddenly realized that i couldn't bring a whole plethora of new soup recipies to be used by the store upon my eventual return. i've been thinking more and more that i like the idea of being part of a restuarant. being able to influence what unique additions go onto a menu, and being able to prepair said unique additions to the menu. i greatly enjoy cooking for other people, and i like bringing out something that they've never tried before. expierementing with the flavor until it has that special...nevem kaj. i've also found that, in cooking for people, i enjoy cooking to their favorites. adding, for instance, curry to a recipe because i know maruška enjoys curry. or adding half of the required zelena paprika (green bell peppers) at the very end of the cooking process, because i know daniel enjoys paprika fresh more than cooked. it's those little elements of momentary joy that causes the long efforts of cooking to be far more rewarding than being able to simply eat a meal.
i'm hoping that ian's plan to open his empire of resuarants and other establishments becomes a reality. it'd be awesome to provide
potica at the hooka bar, and jota at the coffee shop/bookstore, and
burek at the greasy beak. this would be neat.
so, i've come up with a new tattoo design. one that i'm rather pleased with. i haven't drawn it out just yet, but i like the image i have in my head a lot. i've enlisted kiki to help me draw it out, as it's going to be rather elaborate, and i could use the help with some of the design work. it's going to maintain the psuedo-tribal line work of my current tattoo, though it's going to have much more influence from northwest tribal design than the old one did. here's the idea: in the small of my back will be a
gnat, or something from the diptera family, there will then be lines to simulate transformation which crawl along my right side, until on my stomach and chest is an eagle. this all came from a mental image i had recently, when pondering the quote: If in this day a soul shall act according to the precepts and the counsels of God, he will serve as a divine physician to mankind, and like the trump of Israfil,[1] he will call the dead of this contingent world to life; for the confirmations of the Abha Realm are never interrupted, and such a virtuous soul hath, to befriend him, the unfailing help of the Company on high. Thus shall a sorry gnat become an eagle in the fulness of his strength, and a feeble sparrow change to a royal falcon in the heights of ancient glory.
(Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 23)
while this is certainly something that still need to work towards, it is something that i will always need to work towards. tattoos, i've realized, are symbols. things that are used to not only mark a passage of my life, but also something that is used to remind me of who i was, who i am, and who i will be. i've been reading more and more about raven in haida mythology. this is the image that i associated with when i first embarked on the making of my first tattoo, and this is the image that i still associate with at times. raven, the great creator and the great trickster. the duality of his personality is something that i often seem to relate to. the presence of raven on my leg will not mean that i wish to emulate him, but to learn from him, and learn to not be like him. his extreems are too great, and i need know how to balance the selfish desire with the compasion for others.
when the design is complete, i'll post it.