
Dec 27, 2010 00:39

So, Rob might be getting a ride back to Toronto with Stephanie, which is great for him and all, but I kind of have this problem, because, well. I don't really know if he plans to bring her inside or if she'll just drive away, but well....she's kind of not welcome in my home. And there's no possible way I can casually bring this up to Rob. And I'm really sick of it, because it is ME who is the wronged woman, but I always looks like the bitch for caring. Like, I don't care that you're still her friend, I wouldn't even say that I still hate her. But I don't care to have her in my apartment. But would you even THINK to ask me if I was alright with her coming in? No, you wouldn't, because nobody has ever really respected my feelings on this issue. It's like they just expected me to get over it in a week and act like nothing happened. Well you know what, it DID happen, and it was a really shitty thing for her to do. But what pisses me off the most is that she sometimes acts as if it was ME who has done something to HER, when in fact I have actually been nicer than is really necessary about the whole thing, because god forbid anyone should feel AWKWARD or anything. I only had my heart ripped out and stomped on. It's cool. I don't CARE that it was a really long time ago now, I just really don't want you in my apartment, ok? Ok. The problem is, I know this is 50% my own fault. Because a) I never told anyone at the time what an obscenely bad boyfriend Derek was and b) I don't act mean to her when at places with mutual friends. I just have trouble being a bitch to people's faces ok? I talk shit about her behind her back, I just can't bring myself to let her presence ruin my good mood when at parties. I don't know if any of that was coherent at all, all I know is that I DO NOT WANT HER IN MY APARTMENT.

I just really needed to vent all that because I'm pms-ing and I'm super pissed about everything. kthxbai

amber hates everyone

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