god, at what cost

Feb 12, 2017 21:28

You may remember the slightly less than flattering gift from my mother-in-law, a trial membership to a gym. Well, I got over it, and myself, and started going. I’ve tried the various group classes they offer, from spinning and zumba to aerobics and fat burn.

I have always despised all forms of exercise, and never experienced anything like a runner’s high (it’s a lot like sex for me; everyone talks about how amazing it is, but I can’t help suspecting they’re all lying to fit in), but I’ve pretty much resigned myself to that fact. I don’t exercise because I enjoy it, but because I recognise that it will help in keeping me healthy.

I also went on a newbie course, where a personal trainer created a gym routine for each of us, and I’ve been doing that for a couple of weeks now. I can’t say that I’ve noticed any progress so far, even though I go twice a week, but then again I started pretty much from zero. For my triceps exercises I have to use 5 kg weights if I want to get through my reps.

Last week I went on a toning class where we did tons of squats with weights, and my thighs were barely able support me down to down the stairs after the class. The other people on the class told me to stretch after I got home, but I find stretching really boring, so I skipped it, and suffered terrible muscle pains all through the week.

Then I went again this week, and it was still horrible. Proper painful, not just the usual burning sensation that comes from your muscles straining. After the class I asked the instructor if there were any stretches I could do to alleviate the pain, and he said that stretches were unlikely the help if the muscles were that badly cramped. Instead, he recommended a foam roller that’s apparently usually used for pilates. Basically you plot it down on the floor and then roll your body on it. It’s not soft foam, either, so it hurt like a bitch on my thighs, but this time it was the kind of hurt that comes from a release. After a night’s sleep and some muscle relaxant gel, I feel almost back to normal.

So far I’ve been going to the gym twice a week, because that’s about as much time I can stand to devote to something I actively dislike. I usually do one group class, and then go through my gym routine. I occasionally run into N’s mum, as she also goes after work (I have to go directly from work, or I won’t go at all; if I get home first, I will find any excuse not to leave again).

My trial membership ran out at the end of January, but fortunately by then our sport vouchers for the year had come in (many companies in Finland offer sport vouchers to their employees as a benefit, to encourage healthy lifestyle and decrease sick days). I thus signed up for a two-year membership, because even though committing to anything for two years is scary, I figured that it will make me keep going, knowing that I’m paying for it.

N has also started exercising, though at a different gym, since mine is women-only. His gym also offers very limited classes, it’s mostly about the equipment, which is why I didn’t go there, even though it’s cheaper. I would actually prefer the gym only, because it’s over quicker and doesn’t lead to the same bone deep exhaustion that classes do, but my aerobic endurance is appalling, so I figure I need to keep at that as well.

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