Let this be a sign of how the rest of 2015 will go

Jan 01, 2015 23:31

This was the first year that N and I had no plans for New Year's Eve. We were supposed to go see the fireworks in central London with S, but I couldn't get tickets and then S got sick just days before she was supposed to fly over, so that didn't happen.

N and I figured it was sign from the universe to spend the night at home. I played Lego Avengers on the WiiU until BBC started streaming Adam and Queen's New Year's concert. We watched the fireworks on TV, and shared a fizzy juice drink when the clock hit midnight.

Then this morning I woke up at 9am, started reading
dirasudis' Teen Wolf hooker fic, and that pretty much took up the next 7 hours or so. I got out of bed for the first time around 4pm, went through my morning ablutions, made a light snack and returned to bed to read bleep0bleep's soulmate fic. After I finished that, I relocated to the living room sofa to play some more Lego Avengers.

Then I checked tumblr, and now I'm going to bed.

Was this not the best NYE ever?

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