
Mar 09, 2014 23:16

Don't tell anyone. I'm backdating this by a week, because I'm a terribly lazy journaler who always has a fic to read.

Let's do chronological order, because otherwise I'll forget stuff.

Saturday was all
christycorr, all day. <3 Nine Worlds was hosting a party to celebrate the millionth fanwork on AO3, and we'd decided to both go. She arrived early enough for us to take her out to lunch first, and then feed her some homemade Finnish pancake. Plus play her fandom songs and get her hooked on runwithwolves' Let It Grow. *g*

The party was held at Blue Lion pub in Bloomsbury, and it was really fun. I got to meet some other OTW folks (including our sysadmin James who's apparently pretty much the sole reason our servers are kept standing) and play this hilarious game based on Slash: Romance Without Boundaries.

I tend not to enjoy pubs all that much in general, because usually it's loud music and even louder drunk people, but this was reserved just for us, so it was nice music and loud laughter. I was surprised how many people came, there had to have been several dozen of us there. It was really nice to see so many fannish people in one place.

At events like this, when you don't actually know anyone in person, it's bizarre how you somehow always end up looking at someone's name badge first, after which you realise you've just stared at their boobs intently before even looking at their face...

Then on Sunday morning I got the best news: I've passed my CIPD assignment \o/ That was in no small part thanks to both N and
christycorr. N held my hand the entire month, encouraged me when I felt down and helped me shape the text and find resources.
christycorr did an amazing, several-hour long session of turning my confusing commas to em dashes, pointing out inconsistencies, and hacking off 400 words to get me below my maximum. Thank you, guys. Your help was appreciated more than I can say.

Sunday also turned out to be absolutely gorgeous. It was like someone flipped a switch saying "spring". On Friday I was still wearing my winter coat, on Saturday I downgraded that to my spring coat, and by Sunday I was wearing a t-shirt.

N and I decided not to waste the day indoors, and headed to Kew Gardens. There were no leaves on trees yet, and even the grass was that dull, last-year green, but the magnolias, crocuses and daffodils were in full bloom and absolutely gorgeous.

I've put the rest of the photos under a cut but I wanted to leave this one here because it's my favourite.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

london, weather, fandom, rl, friends

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