Looks like Sundays are posting days

Sep 08, 2013 11:13

Weather report! Because who doesn't love talking about the weather in the UK?

Basically, it's been all over the place this year. The spring was the coldest in 50 years, with March having a mean of 2.2C (40F), snow in April, and May not even hitting double digits. Things finally eased up in June, followed by a July that was the third hottest since the UK Met Office began tracking things in 1910.

We missed a couple of weeks of the long heatwave in Finland but got to enjoy plenty of positively gruesome commuting in the weeks that followed. There were a lot of posts like this on tumblr, with people going "oh, I live in X and I can basically boil water in my back porch", but what all those people probably missed is that fact that they and their houses are equipped to deal with something like that.

In the UK, there are a lot of places that don't see temperatures above 20 C (70 F) in the summer. The people living here are not used to having to carry a water bottle with them all the time, or not being able to leave your kids in the car for five minutes. No houses have air conditioning because it's not needed, and to keep out the draft in the winter, many flats don't even have windows that open! Have some Dan on the topic.

August saw us returning to mostly "normal", and now in September now things are starting to cool down. There are still sunny days but they're getting crispy.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

london, weather

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