Work update. Sorta

Sep 01, 2013 17:42

I did an update on our holiday but completely forgot to mention what happened just before it. N resigned a while ago but the company didn't want to let him go, so they made him an offer to continue part time.

At first he wasn't that excited and just wanted a clean break, but I guess the promise of a steady salary and getting to keep working with the people he knows and likes, combined with the ability to work on his own projects at the same time, was too tempting.

N didn't want that on his current salary, though, so the negotiations over the amount of part time and his salary continued until what was supposed to be his last working day.

Finally they agreed on him working three days a week and getting an £8k annual raise.

He's been working short weeks for over a month now, and is as happy as can be with the arrangement. And I'm only a little bit bitter that he works less and still makes more money, every day that I get out of bed and leave him to sleep. *g*

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

london, work

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