the $100 startup

Apr 06, 2013 17:34

It was N's job that brought us to London almost two years ago. He's had his ups and down with it, learning a lot and getting to do interesting stuff, but also being stuck on repetitive projects and getting frustrated with the bureaucracy of working in a big company.

It's finally come to a head, and he's decided to give his notice come summer.

N and a friend of ours back in Finland, A, have been more or less casually working on a browser-based game for a while. Now, N wants to concentrate on that, to try and make a business out of it.

Personally, I'm not thrilled. It's not that I'm entirely risk-averse - I did move to another country with no safety net or a job. But I've never had much money at my disposal, and my first instinct is always to hold onto a steady income. My salary alone wouldn't pay for our month's rent and council tax, never mind utilities, groceries and commuting.

I do want him to be happy, though, and right now he's not happy at work. I'm not going to give him shit about quitting his job because he can always get another one. The job market for developers in London is demand over supply, and the worst thing that can happen, as N likes to put it, is that he'll have to take another agency job.

He's planning on finding contractor jobs to tide him over, until the game will (hopefully) start making money for them, so it won't be a complete leap into the unknown and just relaying on the game to bring in money.

I have my doubts, but maybe they're completely unfounded. Maybe N and A's game will receive a Game of the Year award (it wouldn't, it's totally niche), and in their acceptance speech N will get to thank his girlfriend who's always doubted him and only grudgingly supported him through the bad times. *g*

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

london, n, work

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