"Was that with a Y?"

Mar 15, 2012 17:15

Apparently Starbucks in the UK is going American. According to the BBC, Starbucks is adopting the fake, overly familiar approach of asking customers for their name name and then calling it when their drink is ready.

I for one cannot wait to first spell my name to another ESL speaker every single time I want a strawberry frappuccino and then having it both spelled and pronounced incorrectly by a third one.

Does anyone seriously enjoy this pretend-friendly approach to customer service? The barista will forget your name as soon as they've scribbled it down, and you both know it. Personally I will rather take my drink from an unsmiling, robotic server than one made to act like we're on first name basis.

If I was a regular enough customer anywhere, I would be happy to give the barista my name and have them remember my usual, but I hate the falseness that seems to permeate the entire American customer service culture. You can be polite and friendly without acting like you're best friends.

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