"Jason the alphabet is still hung crooked, I will go get the level"

Jul 29, 2005 22:29

All of my room mates are moving out tomorrow so...FOUR BEDROOM APARTMENT TO MYSELF! PARTY TIME! I have this place until October full out bachelorette style. I have not one piece of furniture to my name. Well, up here atleast. I don't have a t.v., computer, microwave...NOTHING! So that will be exciting for the first night maybe. It will be like a camp out (Jason says).

As for October goes I have zero options but that's what I said in December, March, and last week. But this time I am really nervous about not finding a place to stay. I talked to my mom about moving my furniture up here and she talked to me out of it probably because it would make me more permenent in St. Augustine and she couldn't stand the sight of my room with nothing in it. I was okay with it but she made me worry about this. It was partially her pessimistic view on everything and trying to make the idea of moving back home appealing. There is not one bit of me that wants to move back to Brandon so I will make this work. I guess that phone call to my parents was very discouraging.

On the bright side...I ended up with some great gifts from my kids...
-A basket full of goodies and a targt gift card.
-A gift card to the day spa on the island.
-8 candles
-3 picture frames
-$50 gift card to the Columbia
-A total of $100 dollars to Target
-a bouquet of flowers!
So I made out like a bandit to say the least. Today was teacher work day and my wonderful and helpful boyfriend Jason came to help. He passed the test and was approved by all the teachers that act as my moms up here. He was such a huge help...it was a lot of work moving into our new classroom. Sunday is open house and Monday we get the new kids!
*Let me know if anybody wants to come room with me here!
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