Why, when you are bedridden the first week of the new year, you get creative! You make ART and not love..... that would only be if you had someone to make love too.... pity me.
So, here is some of my work:
Please note that I have no scanner and must rely on the trusty cam-cams
Sakura! I painted this for my little sister for Christmas. She drew me my darling dear Yoshiki, for my birthday she drew my other husband Atsushi ^__^
Yusuke Kamiji - He was on the cover of a Vinyl Syndicate that I had laying around.... And he's cute
Just some roses that the camera failed to capture.
This is a kitty, I named him Monarch... I wish I had a kitty
Just one lonely cherry blossom
This is Riku of Chariots and Ex-Phantasmagoria. Not a fan of either band, I just had an issue of Cure laying around.
hide - I kept crying the whole time
Gackt - I am really proud of this one