
Feb 23, 2008 18:16

So. What am I going to do when I am done with my C.N.A course?

I am going back to making coffee.

This may seem like a move backwards, but it is not. I am looking forward to it, actually. There is nothing like working with the sick and dying to make a girl stop her bitching and yearn for the simple life, full of pastry, coffee and conversation with yuppies and hipsters. Besides, I need the money.

I am going to get back on track with my Midwifery education. I need to come up with 600$ by April 1st so I can take a Nutrition class I need as a pre-rec. After that I only have 3 more pre-recs to do! So, I am anxious to get back to work and earn that money. I contacted SMS and the admissions lady helped me get it all mapped out.

I am glad I took the nursing program, even though I am not going to use the certification. It helped me realize just how bad I want to be a Midwife, got my head back in that direction. I really lost my focus last year. I drank too much, had too many people die.
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