
Feb 23, 2008 12:22

Not my style to post stuff like this, but I thought it was cute...

If I were a month I would be: November
If I were a day of the week I would be: Tuesday
If I were a time of day I would be: 11:35pm
If I were a planet I would be: Jupiter
If I were a sea animal I would be: A Seahorse
If I were a direction I would be: West
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: A love seat
If I were a historical figure I would be: Edith Piaf
If I were a liquid I would be: Milk
If I were a stone, I would be: Amber!
If I were a tree, I would be: A cherry blossom
If I were a bird I would be: A crow
If I were a tool, I would be: A level
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: Orchid
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: A sunny day, cool breeze
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: An Accordion
If I were an animal, I would be: Duck Billed Platypus
If I were a color, I would be: Sea foam
If I were an emotion, I would be: Motivated
If I were a vegetable, I would be: A yellow pepper
If I were a sound, I would be: A moan.
If I were an element, I would be: Fire.
If I were a car, I would be: A Volvo
If I were a song, I would be: Adventures in the Supermarket by the Raincoats
If I were a food, I would be: Mashed Potatoes.
If I were a place, I would be: Santa Cruz, CA
If I were a material, I would be: Cashmere
If I were a taste, I would be: Coconut
If I were a scent, I would be: Pheromones
If I were a religion, I would be: Pagan
If I were a word, I would be: Dilated
If I were an object, I would be: A blanket
If I were a body part I would be: A uterus! 
If I were a facial expression I would be: A smirk
If I were a subject in school I would be: Sex ed.
If I were a cartoon character I would be: Enid Coleslaw
If I were a shape I would be: A circle
If I were a number I would be: 10

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