family milestones

May 24, 2005 10:01

last night i went with Mark to his cousin's graduation from Byrd H.S. Good grief there were a lot of kids graduating from that school - over 400! all the people there filled up Hirsch colleseum. At least the speaker was brief - under 5 minutes - and there were no valedictorian speeches. whew. there was however lots of screaming and airhorns... crazy. we occupied ourselves by laughing at people's names. There was one girl whose middle name was Star and her last name was Dust. classic.

afterwards we went over to his aunt and uncles for a post graduation party. lots and lots of good food. his family cracks me up, and his aunt reminds me of my mom. it always amazes me the conversations that his family has. at our house, at the mention of anything related to sex, everyone clams up and my dad gets angry. at their house, they were talking about finding pannies in the kitchen and finding a pamphlet on enlarging your johnson in their son's room. everyone was cracking up. did i mention that i love his family? we are going over there again this coming weekend to swim in their new pool, i can't wait.

and because everyone is doing it and i would rather do this than work:
stolen from lizblizz

List 20 people you know... don't peak at the cut until you fill this out yourself.

1) Susan B.
2) Mark R.
3) Stevi H.
4) Steven B.
5) Kenneth S.
6) Rebecca O.
7) Kacie L.
8) James F.
9) Becki M.
10)Anja S.
11) Anna B.
12) Amber M.
13) Shannon B.
14) Casey G.
15) Katie H.
16) Lisa R.
17) Lauren F.
18) Ashley J.
19) Julie P.
20) Jason C.

* Who is #8 going out with? No one. He's single.

* Is #9 a boy or a girl? a girl =)

* Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? Anna better back away from my boyfriend or there will be hell to pay ;)

* How about #18 and #4? Ashlie and Steven ha ha ha.. ooo that made my day. oh and no.

* What grade is #17 in? She will be a Senior in college with me next year.

* When was the last time you talked to #12?: at the end of the semester. =(

* What is #6's favorite band? I would have to say Counting Crows

* Does #1 have any siblings? 2 cute brothers ;)

* Would you ever date #3? No, but she's hot nonetheless =)

* Would you ever date #7? see above.

* Is #16 single? I can never quite tell, she's always got a couple of men scrambling after her.

* What's #15's last name? Hanisee

* What's #10's middle name? ha ha ha, she's German, she doesn't have a middle name.

* What's #5's favorite thing to do? I would guess play games online?? =)

* Is #13 hot? definately.

* Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? even if they were lesbians, i don't think they would get along.

* What school does #20 go to? he is currently attending LSUS to boost his GPA for med. school.

* Tell me a random fact about #11? although seemingly quiet, she can be really really hyper.

* And #1: oh so many. she is a groupie of the Centenary Swim Team, and all of them have had secret crushes on her at one point in time ;)

* And #3: she loves skinny boys with long hair.

* Have you ever had a crush on #15? if only i were a lesbian, i would totally have a crush on Katie.

* Where does #9 live? Elm Grove

* What's #4's favorite color? this i do not know. i'm going to make a stab at green.

* Would you makeout with #14? nope.

* Are #5 & #6 best friends? they don't even know each other

* Does #7 like #20? She's never met him.

* Does #8 like #19? Read above.

* How did you meet #2? I was the new intern, and he was the Systems Administrator. They put us in the same office. =)

* How did you meet #18? She lived in the same hall as me Freshman year.

* Does #10 have any pets? nope.

* Is #12 older than you? just barely.

* Is #17 the sexiest person alive, or what? she really is ;)

graduation, meme, family

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