a rant.

Jan 07, 2005 10:44

there is a guy that i work with that aggrivates me to no end. he comes in our office, askes my co-worker a question, then repeats the answer he was given like he knew it all along. Example:

JK:"Do we get MLK day off at work?" (in a tone like we should, and I am almost sure we do).
CM: laughter. "What do you think? of course we don't"
JK: hesitant laughter, "ha ha, of course we don't. (and earnestly) why should we?"

this is a continual process every day. he forms his opinion around what others tell him is his opinion. I just want to yell: "think for yourself!"

ok. that is the end of my rant.


Take the first sentence from the first post of each month of 2004. That's your year in review.

February: So, upon suggestion, i am changing journal hosts. i hope i like it.
March: the past three nights have been strangely repetitive.
April: day light savings time kills me. i'm WIDE awake and i will hate myself in the morning.
May: this weekend was one of the best spent in a long time.
June: i think three day weekends should be standard, its always better going back to work on tuesdays than on mondays.
July: so all the politcal hype is up, and it's all that i hear about these days.
August: the weekend was good.
September: Trying to readjust to the madness that is school and all that it entails.
October: it's 8:00 in the morning on my 20th birthday!
November: I voted today at my former elementary school.
December: I am so sick of writing papers right now.

so apparently 2004 i had a lot of good weekends, i was really tired of school, and i was wrapped up in the election. i like that summary.

meme, bowman

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