Sep 05, 2008 05:58
Ok, first off: I didn't know Victoria Levin. But something in me broke when I was listening to the news and heard that she'd died. Why? Because this happens FAR too often. So for every person out there who has lost someone to ANY sort of cancer (she died from breast cancer, FYI), this goes out to you. I am sick to death of hearing about someone being lost when there can be so many options to save their lives if it's caught in time.
I speak as the namesake of a woman who beat breast cancer back in the 50's. I speak as the granddaughter of a man who died from cancer. I speak as the daughter of a cancer survivor. I speak as a 35 year-old woman who will start getting tested within the next 5 years, because I understand the risks. No one should have to deal with this problem, and it breaks my heart to hear when it does happen, when there is no hope left.
Get tested, people. If there's a family history, if you don't know some of your immediate family history, get tested. It might be difficult, but it doesn't have to be the end of your life. The fact that I was able to dance with my dad on my wedding day is the greatest testament to that ever, because it wasn't always a guarantee. (I get misty-eyed just thinking about that fact, even though he's been cancer-free for years now. *and still gets tested every year to make sure it doesn't happen again*)