Went on that dinner/dance cruise last night. Let it suffice to say that I did not get to wear my new dancing shoes, and nearly died. Really, the more excited I get about things, the more they go wrong.
Note to
foxyfennec: I'll be home for part of this weekend. Let's go out for breakfast or something.
Did some la Piedra Filosofal today at lunch. I'm roughly ten pages away from the end; we just got that wonderful line, "No hay ni malo ni bien, solo poder, y personas demasiado debiles para buscarlo." I thoroughly need to order la Camara Secreta so I don't have to read Ciudad de las Bestias all summer. The problem is, I don't have enough other stuff I want to buy to get the super-savings free discount. Ideas?
(Ciudad is getting marginally better, by the way. One of the characters has a pet monkey.)