Assorted Notes

May 16, 2010 13:47

Today we have not one but two articles about how governments are letting us down: one, the British Navy does not keep unified records of sea monster sightings despite having all that information at their fingertips, and two, the Florida police are not going to help you break your curse. Shameful! Luckily, NASA at least is devoted to keeping us informed, as it reports that 33 years after launch, the signals the Voyager 2 is sending back have...changed. With audio.

The Telegraph, refusing to stick to my arbitrarily-imposed theme, reports that a ghost was photographed in Kelsey Park in Beckenham, Kent. Okay, The Telegraph.

Finally: if you're going to steal a car, for heaven's sakes check it for dead bodies first.

ETA: Now, this? Is actually kind of creepy!


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