I need to really kick it into gear this weekend and clean the house in a dramatic way, so that next week isn't a nightmare. However, because of how fast they muddy the water, my turtles will continue to live in filth until the day before Thanksgiving, when my family arrives. Possibly even the day of.
I'm cooking the turkey. Ph34r!
Between the radio, a chat with
bradmessner and some additional work, I didn't get to NaNo last night, but things are coming very well and I should have the story itself finished, raw and far shy of 50k, by next Tuesday--which was the goal. After that, I don't know what. I'll write backstory or something. And then I promise I'll stop babbling about it.
Had a dream where I pulled off the most wicked move in roller-skating history, and then crashed, but it didn't matter because it was so fun. If I tried to replicate it in real life I would probably die.