had a couple of REALLY good contractions this morning, 41 min apart, so that's a lot, but they hurt kinda and were long. So we will see.
Can't sleep, it's not the contractions, it's my arm. I can't lay on my right OR left side anymore. My hand starts feeling like the skin is going to split. I tried laying on my back, and just get mild sensations, but the sensations come in waves, so it makes it hard to sleep. Suck. I really wish I was sleeping right now.
Washed baby clothes yesterday. Got to wash the 2nd and 3rd drawer today. Yesterday was top drawer and stuff in the dirty clothes bag
ldyanastashia got me. I'm also going to try to finish putting aplix on the diapers and finish the bumper pad. Oh and put elastic in the pants that I made for *Kathleen.
Packing E's stuff into rubbermaid containers. That's weird.
Anyways, I guess I'll go try to find stuff to do on the 'net.
(lookit song that just came on.... Wish it was Kaya! got to have Kaya.... hehehe)