Jan 06, 2004 00:35

Because who needs ruddy divination when one can be treated to waking visions in DADA class?

We 5th years were made t'poison ourselves in class today (well yesterday, technically), with one of the following: brew of hemlock, boomslang serum, or bicorn syrup. Once poisoned, we were given the materials t'make our own antidotes. I was quite looking forward to this, in fact, as I've always wondered what poison tasted like, and how it might feel to almost-die in such a way. At any rate, once poisoned, I immeadiately identified my slimey, toxic beverage as brew of hemlock, since I had th'chills and icky sweating that goes along with it. BUT I SWEAR THAT SOMETHING WAS NOT ON WITH THAT POISON BECAUSE PROFESSOR MOODY SAID NOTHING ABOUT DELUSIONS OR VISIONS yet all I could do was sit in my chair and not move because I was convinced...yes absolutely convinced that there was some red-eyed thing watching me from these shadows, and he wanted me to follow him there and all I could do was NOT MOVE and shake and sweat and try to put my antidote together but I couldn't THINK with that man looking at me so finally a few hours after supper Professor Moody had to dose me with an antidote because if I'd gone to bed like that I might not have woken up the next morning, hemlock being supposedly fatal.

And it's just not fair because I was marked down for not finishing my antidote but NO ONE ELSE HAD STUPID VISIONS, probably not even that foggy nobheaded hufflepuff who goes around trying to do tarot readings for any and everyone.

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