In case anyone was curious...

Dec 09, 2005 10:02

Oh man.


Yeah. That torts final?


I had "Play that Funky Music White Boy" during the first half of the final. During the second half of the final, I had a mean little gnome on my shoulder that said "You are going to FAIL" over and over. I'm kidding about the gnome part, mostly. But not about the funky music part. And not about the sucking. And it was funny; we got to pick our own exam rooms (one of four), and we were mixed in with people from other sections. I picked the same room as my Torts class normally meets and sat in my usual assigned spot. (I was hoping that sitting in the same spot would somehow help me remember more, but... not really.) I was sitting next to Amy and Becca and a couple rows in front of Chris, and then I look around the room and realize that I'm in the room with pretty much everyone I'd met during orientation and shortly thereafter, several of whom I am no longer speaking to for various reasons. Amy's all, "This is like a reunion!", and my response was "Yeah... a reunion of death!" (which makes no sense, I know, but it was funny at the time.) Oh, and if any men out there were needing fashion advice: don't ever, EVER tuck a baseball shirt into jeans with a belt. Even if it's a Red Sox shirt. It makes you look like your grandma dressed you. And then it's distracting to other people in the exam room, and not in a good way.

But I digress...

So anyway... I was actually feeling pretty okay about Torts. I missed maybe three classes out of the 60 we'd had. I'd usually gotten the answer semi-right when called on. We'd only gone through like 300-something pages of our coursebook (compared to 900-plus in Contracts and Property), and periodically throughout the study period I'd gone back and re-read most of it. I'd made my own outline and been pretty diligent about it (and proud of the result). I'd bought study guides and read through the parts covering stuff I felt like I didn't understand. I'd done one out of the two practice exam questions he'd given us (I really didn't have time to do the second.) and gotten my answer critiqued, and I'd gotten most of the issues right. I definitely didn't study as much as I could have, but it was at least 5-6 hours a day for the last two weeks or so (for both Property and Torts), which I figured was plenty. I'd gotten almost eight hours of sleep the night before, eaten a good breakfast, etc. I had a Balance bar and a Nalgene bottle full of water with me, along with Andy's watch (Mine broke last week.), two highlighters, three pens, some gum, and an extra laptop battery. I figured I was good to go.

So first of all, it was a three-hour, closed-book exam (Not that my book would have helped much, but still...). We had literally ten pages of fact pattern. The parties were all characters from Harry Potter. I realized after the test that it was a good thing I'd read the books and seen the movies because at least then I had a face to put with the different parties. We then had a rather confusing case attached as well as literally three or four multi-part statutes and four or five Restatement provisions. It took me literally 45 minutes to get through all of the exam material before I even wrote an informal outline. There was almost nothing involving intentional misconduct and all this stuff about negligence and strict liability and sort of the mixing of the two, which we really didn't get to in class. There were five parts to the question. Part three had two sub-parts, and part four had three sub-parts, with all of the subparts having several sub-sub parts.

In summary, I didn't finish. I'm pretty sure what I wrote was garbage. I began one question and had written maybe five or six sentences, on a pretty good roll (I thought) when I realized that I was writing about the wrong parties and that what I was writing didn't even come close to answering the question. Some of my answers to the sub-sub parts were only a couple of sentences long. I feel like I spotted about 15 relatively important issues in the fact pattern that didn't seem to fit anywhere in the questions he was asking, and I was told repeatedly by upper-level students to not answer questions you weren't asked, so I didn't. Literally it seemed like all we were asked to do was apply the facts to the Restatement and such. I cannot help but think that there was more to it all than that. I just didn't know what I was supposed to say. I made allusions to some rules we had learned and some cases that we had studied where the holdings seemed relevant, but I'm sure it wasn't enough. It was just bizarre and completely counterintuitive and I walked out of there seriously wanting to jump off a bridge.

I'm praying for a C. I'm so embarrassed; I've only gotten one C ever in my life and that was in premed bio in college (and, incidentally, it was a C+) And if Torts was this bad, I cannot even imagine how Property is going to go. I know everyone else was rattled by the exam too, but I'm sure they still wrote more than I did and it had more to do with what we actually studied.

Honestly, I woke up this morning more depressed than I've been in a long time. I feel like I have royally fucked myself over. I walked into law school convinced I'd have no trouble making Law Review (HA!) and graduating at least in the top quarter or so of my class. My parents are going to be so ashamed of me. And my grandparents. And the sleep lab. And my hairdresser. Yeah. I'm trying not to think about it. I'm going to go take a shower and make some coffee and sit down and work on Property and just put Torts out of my mind. I was feeling a bit better last night... dutin called and that was wonderful, and I went out with Amy and Chris and drank more beer than I should have. But I've never been great at permanently turning off parts of my brain, and I'm sure today will be no different.

I'm so not cut out for this.

This really isn't worth it.

I want to be a housewife.
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