It's been a busy, yet productive few weeks for me here at home. The car has been handling well so far. I've driven it through a few different situations, and discovered a few quirks about how it behaves, but the mechanic told me that it was normal and gave the car the all-clear. He said that all I needed to do with it was change the wiper blades and get a new serpentine belt. He also mentioned that the wheel lock key was missing; I'm going to have to ask the dealer about that.
Since I have my own car now, I've been able to get out more. I attended a free "conference" held by StoresOnline in Anderson. It was basically an hour long seminar about how StoresOnline can help you set up your own web shop. They struck me as really professional; though I admit I probably wouldn't have gone had they not been offering a free mp3 player to those who went. I sent in my mail-in voucher, so we'll see if anything comes of that. It was more or less an advertisement, and quite a few people cashed in on it, but I didn't have the money and probably don't need their help when it comes to building stores online. Not to mention, I'm not at the point in my life where I can make investments like that yet. I've still got loans to pay off.
Used some leftover funds this month to buy an X-Box 360, so now I'm one of the masses. It's just the basic unit; I'm going to need both an HD and a wireless device before I can connect to X-Box Live. As far as games go, I haven't much aside from Halo 3/Fable 2 and Legendary yet. So now I can go get those games like Mass Effect that are DRM'ed on the computer, as well as those digital only releases Mega Man 9 and the like. Next pay period, I'll probably exchange my GameCube for a Wii, and that should fulfill all my gaming needs.
I saw ChickenFoot's live concert over the Internet last Saturday. Some would say things like that are just marketing gimmicks, but they're ones I highly approve of! Sammy Hagar was in excellent form despite being a little drunk, and the band played very well. It was a good opportunity to hear some songs from the album, which I haven't heard yet. Pretty much straight-up rock and roll.
Going to try to be more conservative with my money here on out. I notice that I've been eating out too much, and while the occasional purchase for myself is all right when I have the dough, I need to start saving so I can shotgun my loans with large payments. Especially the car loan; my student loan is going to have to take a back seat to that once that kicks in. March-April was my bit of fun regarding spending. Over the summer, I'm going to buckle down and take care of my responsibilities.
wrote a review for the new super hero film Kick-Ass. Go check it out if you're considering seeing the movie.
Now playing:
Journey - Raised on Radiovia
FoxyTunes This is both amusing and disturbing at the same time: An Elementary School rendition of Scarface.
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Wow, way to buy into a stereotype. It seems someone has set up a "dating service" over X-Box Live. Now
you can pay a plethora of lovely ladies (or guys, apparently) to play your favorite video games with you. Because everyone knows gamers are a bunch of socially inept shut-ins, right?
Don't you sometimes wonder "Where Are They Now?" about people who played certain roles in older films? Well, quite by accident, I discovered
Veruca Salt from the original Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.