why do you ask me questions i'm not prepared to answer, they say.

Jun 11, 2009 17:43

I've felt in a cynical mood today. Maybe it's because I broke my routine. I donno. I tend to cluster out-of-the-ordinary happenings together... as if they were correlated positiviely with a tiny r value.  Anywho. Okay, ignoring the very early history of religion. Regardless of what importance people of religion think it has in regards to humanity, it's quite an evolutionary tactic. In a way. Broadly speaking. I mean, this is a very biased point of view, living in the 21st century and all... but what really was there to live for back then? There was no American Dream,  no rapidly advancing technology, no multitude of careers. You had family, nature, and religion. And if you think about it, religion seemed to give people purpose. Why suffer through plague, famine, and oppression just to raise a family and let them deal with it? What were they surviving for? Besides human nature's blind will to live? But  now that we have the aforementioned advantages of the modern age, we humans have so many other things to live for other than to serve a God. So therefore, I feel religion has served one of its greater purposes. Not that it should be totally obsolete, but it has, in fact, left it's throne in ruling lives.


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