I've read Buffy Season 8 issue 3... Couldn't wait when I saw
killerweasel posting some links to download the issue. Her LJ is flocked, but you can get the issue on
lusciousxander's LJ ;-).
- I never would imagine Ethan Rayne being the guy in Buffy's dream. He was a sort of guide in dreamland.
- So, Buffy totally would go for a threesome, LOL!!! And we can't see the other vamps arm, so maybe they are groping each other bums, hehehe. And Angel is staring at Spike ;-). Plus, nurse costume? LMAO!!!
- Dawn stepping on Amy with her giant foot was funny.
- Okay, who kissed Buffy? And the funny thing is the only guy in the room was Xander. Maybe some girl has a crush on Buffy...
- Meanwhile, Giles has been trying to get some information about the weird symbols. And it seems those demons were used like some kind of tool. But by whom? Amy, those military guys or both?
- Hahahaha, Andrew said he was bored while surrounded by girls wearing underwear *g*.
- So, that slayer who has a crush on Xander is alive. What is her name again? Renee? And she called Xander a "butch", hehehe.
- It seems Kennedy and Willow aren't an item anymore. Did Willow say Kennedy was dead for a while? Did I understand right? *wonders*
- Hmmm, everything was a trap to get Willow. Oh, crap...
- What? A peeled-off Warren? WTF? I thought he had been boiled too. Poor Willow...
ETA: You so have to see
sueworld2003's version of "that" pic. Check it out
HERE *is very amused*.