Open Post.

Apr 17, 2005 01:51

Ok, so I really don't have much to say here. Found this on jadedxeyes's journal.

We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious. Not in a bad way, but in a "Wow! I wish I had that person's hair, eyes, money, relationship, brains, whatever."

So tell me what about me makes you envy me, then post this in your LJ and see what makes me envious of you!

[EDIT]If you can't think of any reason you envy me, then tell me why you either like/don't like me. Espically if you left my list with no reason or if I took you off and you're mad.

And for those who were on my friends list and wish to be added back, let me know why you would like to keep up with my cosplay journal and I'll add you back.

If you wish to know more about me in general and have a GJ (GreatestJournal) then add queenserenity.

That's all for now. I'm outie.

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