
Feb 07, 2005 22:04

Ok, since I don't get many people that actually respond to this journal I'm thinking of keeping this as just a cosplay journal in which case only certain people will be allowed.

I will also keep this to keep getting SM icons. Since I don't know how to make them yet, or have any programs TO make them yet, I have to rely on others who rock at making them.

If any of you wish to get ahold of me, you should still be able to e-mail me or GET A GJ! My REAL journal there is queenserenity. That will be the only journal now that I will write in.

Sorry if this upsets you, but too bad.


[EDIT] I have been told by some of my friends through other means, that some of you were really upset and/or confused on my sudden change of status.

No, it has nothing to do with those who didn't post often. It DID have everything to do with the fact that I had to STILL walk on eggshells in MY journal. If I make a complaint about something and you don't agree, just state you don't feel the same and leave it be! Don't start yelling at me on MY journal. That just pisses me off and puts me in a bad mood for EVERYONE.

I have changed this MAINLY for the fact that I want to be able to use as many icons as I have and not pay. The only problem is, I have to get this laptop fixed so I can have the programs to make my own icons and backgrounds.

So it really didn't have much to do with the people (unless you were one who yelled at me) as it was that I wanted to use my icons.

I am sorry that you were mad for a while, but it is my journal and my decision. But, if you really do like me, get ahold of me on AIM, e-mail, or GJ.

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