In which Eike has little forgotten the instance where Kidd spied on him whilst he slept, and now it's time for payback. Kidd's idiocy shines true in this log. CUE THE BGM CREW!
Kilderok: Picture eike, face all shadowy, stepping next to kidd, the screen pans out to kidd, who looks up, frowns, and sweatdrops, eike then glances down, and eikes frown becomes gradually worse. <3
Kilderok: cue organ key strike
LAC768: *DIES*
LAC768: *window shutter rattle*
Kilderok: lmao!!!! **bat screech**
Kilderok: **wolf howl of d00m**
Kidd: o__o *sweats and looks around frantically*
Eike:"....grins on the inside, decides to poke fun at kidd**....**slowly reaches up, unnoticed by the now frozen kidd, looking anywhere but at eike, eike takes kidds hat**...." >:-)
Kidd: agjsakjsadgjWHAT?!? *nearly jumps out of his skin* .....*hatless :'<*
LAC768: (A response worthy of Tolkien. >_>; )
Eike:"....**throws hat out window**.....oh....the took your hat...."
Kidd: *spins around and stares at Eike* ...o__o The.....why is the window open??!?!? ;__;
Eike:"....**Looks down at the distressed kidd, frown growing more deep** is a which you may....or may not....strive to solve...."
LAC768: (OMG. *dies* Classic.)
Kilderok: >3
Kidd: *draws himself up in order to appear taller and more formidable* Why wouldn't I strive to solve it?! A case is a case, and I--*cues his own bgm crew and starts his theme*--am up for a challenge any day~!! *poses*
Eike:"....**feels a chuckle at the 'formidable' child, the bgm unfortunately is a raucous din for the librarian**....V_V.....then...go fetch the criminal......boy...."
Kidd: ....*flat stare* Well, that's easy. ............*long-drawn silence; he stays rooted where he is, the music reaching an ironic crescendo that parodies the lack of action being taken*
Eike:"....**the dinful y-chrome's theme music is more than his sensitive ears can withstand, the music grows louder, and eike grows angrier**..........DESIST.....PLEASE....." **hugs book**
Kilderok: LMFAO
LAC768: (XD!!)
Kidd: *rolls his eyes and casts a lazy wave to no one in particular, cutting the music off abruptly* If my hat flew out the window, I've already caught the culprit--the wind.
Eike:"....I suppose its an easier job....than the time you......" THINKS:".....snuck into my chambers...." **brow furrow**
Kidd: *suddenly becomes interested in fiddling with the button on his coat* Y-you don't say...funny, I can't remember that scenario...
Eike:"....Fortunately....I remember it like it was last night........O_o......" **grip tightens on his book**
Kidd: Haha..ha....haaa...........really, now? That's something. Mmhmm....*SWEAT* ....*fiddles with his button until it pops off*
Eike:".....*GLOWERS*....>: (....might I ask you a question....?**turns to kidd, eyes with a glare of steely intent**
Kidd: *swallows* Uhh...I don't know. *recovers some of his sass slightly, meeting the gaze unwaveringly* I might charge you a fee if it's for useful information.
Eike:".....**ignores kidd's ploy at obtaining currency**.....The question you think that I sleep heavily...?" **gaze continues to bore into the adolescent**
Kilderok: ((OMG.....comic material?))
LAC768: (*dies* I'd say so)
Kilderok: ((I could SO draw this))
Kidd: *radiating a smart-ass aura* That's difficult to say--first you have to define what it means to be a heavy sleeper, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say probab--*freezes in midsentence, the color draining from his face*
Eike:".....**Eyes grow a tad bit larger, raises an eyebrow**....**quotes out term in a dictionary style** Heavy Sleeper:"One who sleeps so deeply, that little can disturb him; someone who sleeps like death; a dead sleep."......"**continues to glare**
Kidd: /That sounds about right. Hm. I'll have to make a note about that in my notebook next chance I get./ ..............................
..................My, what lovely WEATHER we're having today~!!!!! :D *dies inside*
Eike:"............>: (...........**is more suspicious of Kidd than ever**"
Kidd: ....EeeYUP, mighty fine weather. Mmhhmm. *starts searching for the button that popped off*
Eike:"....**turns from kidd, now faces wall** **eyes dart back in the direction of kidd, now fiddling with his broken jacket**....I've never met a person....who thought the dead winter.....was fine weather....."
Kidd: Well I've never met a person who slee--*COUGH*--It all depends on if the cup is half empty or half full.
Eike:".....**eyes grow bigger** **brow furrow****mumbles**:.....oh......keep digging your grave......"
Kidd: *tugs at his collar and inches away* .....
Eike:"....**walks over to the window where 'the wind' took kidds hat, looks out, notices a random dog is absconding with kidd's hat**'ll never guess....."
LAC768: (OMG NPC doggy~ *scolds it*)
Kilderok: (LOL! x3)
Kidd: .....*indignant scowl* I'm a detective; I don't guess, I solve.
Eike:".....>: ( **thinks:..."Then you'll never 'solve' what has happened to you hat."** have a new mystery......then...." **looks back at the boy**
Kidd: *snaps his fingers, starting the bgm again* *_* A new mystery~ *oooweeeeoooo*
Eike:"....**is thouroughly disgruntled by the incessant music from nowhere**......THEN.....GO...FETCH......Thinks:" That is your first clue, oh mighty detective....who sneaks into people's bedooms."
Kidd: *flat look, the music making irritating twinkling sounds* Fetch? What am I, a dog? -_-
LAC768: (Oh, Kidd, you simple-minded dork. XP)
LAC768: (XD!!! I know; that's why it's there. >_>;;; )
Kilderok: ((LMAO!)
Kidd: *blank stare* You're calling me a dog, aren't you? I never labelled you as a name-caller. *makes mental note*
Eike:"......**is perturbed at the 'wonderful detective's' lack of non-verbal cue knowledge****has had enough** **grabs kidd by his collar, drags him to the window, where kidd now feasts his eyes on a canine, tossing his hat about like prey**......"
LAC768: (OMG~!! <3)
Kidd: >__O H-hey, don't be so gruff with m--*stares*--THAT'S MY HAT!!!!
Kilderok: ((LMAO!)
Kilderok: ((EIKE HAS HAD ENUFF!! XD))
LAC768: (s'about time! >3)
Eike:".......THINKS:"....No? what gave you THAT bright idea, child?" **lets go of kidd's coat** THINKS:"....EASY NOW. WATCH YOURSELF..."....mystery seems....."
Kidd: *stumbles back onto his feet when Eike drops him, scrambling to regain his footing. He dusts himself off* A case well solved, if I do say so myself. Of course, it was nothing short of easy for me, being an amazing detective.
Eike:".....**rolls eyes****shakes head**...V____V.....Thinks:"Bollockhead." **thinks it better that he not say anything else**
Kidd: *strikes up the bgm crew for his dramatic exit* If you'll pardon me, I have a hat to rescue.
Eike:"......X___o.......!!! **the discordant mystery music is all it takes to give eike one enormous headache** **grumble** **grits teeth** **walks to his basement for some 'quality time'** >__<;;;
Kidd: *dashes out of the room, his exit consisting of all the drama he could ever dream of until he trips on his shoelace and falls on his face*
Eike:"....**stops at staircase** **looks back at clumsy boy** **slight grin** THINKS:"....serves him right."