I've been lucky enough never to have been active in a fandom (or at least not been in contact with that particular part of said fandom) where character hatred and My Ship Versus Your Ship were things to worry about. Not that the phenomenon didn't exist at all in 'my' fandoms, but it was rare enough that you could avoid it by just being moderately
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It almost makes sense 'Twin Peaks' would generate ire, but I would have expected it to be about the cancellation and the lack of promised graphic novel followup. Not that Lara Flynn Boyle is a mean-head, or ship-wars (I at least hope us few, proud Dale/Albert shippers are above that crap!). Sigh. Fans of my show, you disappoint me.
Best suggestion: more baby animals. Here. Have a wombat:
On the other hand, I've been relieved to see that the Dale/Albert shippers on tumblr (at least the few I've come across) seem to be a cordial and sensitive bunch. :) Maybe because there are only a handful of us, but still, I'm glad! Plus on the flip side, I haven't seen many acidic comments about Dale/Albert as a pairing, either; the only instance I remember was a review someone left on a fic (not mine) about how regrettable it is that some people insist on writing an 'obviously straight' character like Cooper as gay. Which had me gnashing my teeth for some time. But it's the only 'ouch' statement I ever saw with respect to Dale/Albert, so I guess we're pretty okay there.
Baby wombats make everything better, though! Aww. *melts*
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