Tumblr, I am disappoint (aka How Tumblr May Yet Ruin Twin Peaks For Me)

Aug 08, 2012 21:47

I've been lucky enough never to have been active in a fandom (or at least not been in contact with that particular part of said fandom) where character hatred and My Ship Versus Your Ship were things to worry about. Not that the phenomenon didn't exist at all in 'my' fandoms, but it was rare enough that you could avoid it by just being moderately cautious which fannish circles to frequent. Part of the reason, I think, is that the fandoms dearest to my heart are small and rare and not very recent, which is a pretty good incentive for fans to stick together. At least that's how it was on LJ and DW, which were my main fannish playgrounds so far.

On tumblr, though... Nope.

So I thought it would be a fun idea to track some tags for fandoms that I like. I've been in a haze of Twin Peaks love for some time, ever since rewatching parts of it when writing my last fanfic, so the twin peaks tag was an obvious choice.

Oh. Oh, dear.

Honestly, I never thought I'd see that kind of hatred of characters, ships, cast members, and so on, or that kind of vitriol directed at fans for expressing certain opinions, about A CULT SHOW THAT'S OVER 20 YEARS DEAD.

Did you know there's a tumblr called laraflynnboyle-liferuiner? Which delivers exactly what the name advertises: collected nastiness about Donna Hayward and actress Lara Flynn Boyle (particularly, how she is allegedly solely responsible for ruining Twin Peaks' second season by veto'ing the Dale/Audrey relationship? Ummm... Yeah, right).

And did you know that there's an Audrey/Cooper shipping war raging, and that it's apparently not done to both like Annie as a character and her relationship with Cooper, and like Audrey as a character and her friendship with Cooper? No, because if you like Annie then you're a moron who doesn't know what decent character building is, and if you like Audrey and Cooper together then you're a shallow shipper bitch who doesn't care about anything but shipping... or at least that's what I gleaned from posts like this one, or this or this.

Seriously, it makes me feel dirty just to read the stuff.

I already unfollowed a few so-called 'fannish' blogs because of this shite.
I'm seriously considering never looking at the twin peaks tag ever again, and just stick to following the small handful of fans who seem to think sharing squee about this show beats pouring vitriol onto it, and who don't let their dislike of certain characters (which is perfectly fine to have, btw) ruin their own and other fans' enjoyment of the show. I might have expected that of a new, shiny fandom, but... Really, tumblr? Really?

(That said, there are definitely fandoms on tumblr that don't have this issue, and that are all about sharing the love - the Babylon 5 fandom being a prime example of that. So it's not that I'm disgusted with fandom on tumblr as a whole. Just... certain bits of it. And I'd like to believe that tumblr having a younger audience than LJ explains it, but I don't really think that's true, and even if it is it's not an excuse.)

Gah, how I miss LJ the way it was a few years ago, when everything was still shiny and happy and active and yay!

Come baaaaack, everyone! Can't we just have a great big squeefest here? I WANTS IT, PRECIOUSSSS... *yearn*

This entry was originally posted at http://amatara.dreamwidth.org/39678.html. Feel free to comment wherever you prefer.

babylon 5, twin peaks, blah, tumblr, fandom

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