(no subject)

Mar 20, 2006 17:09

Hurrah, I finally heard Sonata Arctica! I've heard little snippets about them for years and always mean to look them up and then, of course, always forget to. But I found yet another random tape of Three Hours of Power this morning and listened to it on the way to uni - and kablamo! There they were. Rather not what I was expecting, and a little more power-metally than I usually listen to, but on the whole, I am pleasantly satisfied. Hmm, note to self: Samael: Reign of Light album.

I spent the whole of this morning colouring in Greens posters to stick around the uni. They don't want to spend money on colour prints, so they did black and white, and then shoved a pile of posters and a packet of green highlighters under my nose and say "Thou, Secretary - colour in, or die!"
So, I coloured, for four hours. And was then sent out for another hour, after being anointed the Sacred Carrier of the Holy Hand Grenade (one m************ heavy role of sticky tape in a metal dispenser that was possibly once a WW1 bomb casing), with a stack of posters and proceeded to try and hang them all up despite the winds best efforts to knock me off the third-floor walkway, and whilst simultaneous trying to avoid the Liberal-party and Socialist poster-hanger-uppers who travel in gangs and who I have been warned may attack and eat lone travelling Greens. So, fun morning! I then came home, read a bit, then thought I'd relax and watch Possession. Relaxing was not to be had however, for Possession is the stupidist film ever. Yet strangely hypnotic as well - kind of like what I imagine staring down a cobra would be like - so I watched to the end. Stupid stupid stupid.

Anyway, the question now is, do I drive out to the supermarket and buy noodle soup and Physical? The traffic could be really bad, but the lines are always shocking later - because that's when all the sad lonely people like myself go shopping, because they think that nobody will see them being sad and lonely and buying noodle soup - but all the other sad and lonelies have the same idea! And instead of chatting, and maybe breaking out of the sad and lonely spell, we all stand there, sad and lonely together.
Ramble rant and grumble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Uhm, maybe I should just make my own - whatever, I think I need to get off the internet before I write anything more - sorry friends!

metal, narcissus

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