[IY Fic] Second Chance

Feb 19, 2008 21:43

Title: Second Chance
Genre: General
Rating: K
Characters: Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken
Word Count: 249
Note: Written for the "Starting Over" theme at iyfic_contest.
Summary: Sesshomaru gets a second chance to see the girl's smile.

Second Chance

At dawn, Sesshomaru woke up to the sensation of his toes twitching. This was strange because he had been paralyzed for days, helpless under the shading arms of a tree. Tentatively he got to his feet and took a step. He could walk. Finally he could leave this place.

He turned to go, but stopped. There was the place in the bushes where the girl had first appeared. For days she had come without fail to tend to him. Today she would come and he would not be there… a childish smile flashed through his mind…

Sitting down, he leaned back against the familiar tree. After all, there was no rush. It would not hurt to see her smile one last time…

The girl was late. How maddening.

Perhaps she had forgotten him.

What did he care for humans anyway?

Perhaps he’d give her a few more hours…

When Jaken arrived, worried and eager to please, there was no reason to linger. Getting to his feet, Sesshomaru had every intention of leaving the girl behind in his memory…

The scent of blood and a sudden discovery… and the girl was already nothing more than a memory. Dead from a wolf’s bite. Now he really must leave…

Another flash of a smile… and Tenseiga was in his hand…

When the girl awoke in his arm, and let out a little gasp of breath, looking up at him with large eyes, he decided… perhaps it wasn’t too late to start over.

The End

A/N: I've always found it suspicious that Sesshomaru was able to walk as soon as Jaken found him. Surely he was really just waiting around to see Rin again. ^^

sesshomaru, sesshomaru+rin, rin, fanfic, sess-tachi, gen, drabble

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