We baptized The Cheek Monster last weekend so I got to play with her and be all baby!crazy for 24 hours. She lurvs her auntie and all she wanted to do at 1 am was play with me and giggle and nibble on her feet, her newfound hobby. She might also become quite the blues singer:
I can't help myself y'all...
So anyway... I want to make sure I lure Tiff around so here's a meme stolen from some of you:
1. What are your reasons for having an LJ?
I wanted to be like the cool kids at LF, my first contact with fandom.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Brush my teeth and waste time on the internet.
3. Who is your fauvorite actor/actress?
I'm not sure I have one. I used to be sort of an expert and watch ten movies a week, but I'm just not into it anymore. Come to think about it... Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe (whom I do not find attractive As Himself, only in most of his parts) aside from the obvious ;)
4. What is your dream job?
The person who gets to apply sunscreen onto Matthew Fox's naked skin. Alternatively, I'd love to work for the History Channel or the Discovery Channel. I think Dirty Jobs would be a blast.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I'm an extremely opinionated introvert.
6. What age do you feel you are inside? (your mental/emotional age, not your physical age)
One of my co-workers laughed at me the other day for saying I feel more comfortable in my own skin each year and I don't mind getting older and it's true. So I guess I must be 40?
7. Do you trust easily? Why? No. I give everyone the benefit of a doubt in non-personal matters so the answer is Yes in those cases, but I don't really let anybody in.
8. Would you ever consider suicide as a way out? No. My mother killed herself so I think I'm a little more aware of the consequences.
9. If you had to chose one country to live in for the rest of your life, what would it be? I
The US because it's the place where I feel at home.
10. Have you ever been in a food fight?
Not really, unless you count having a little girl smear ice cream on your face and then getting back at her.
11. What would be the first thing you'd take with you if your house were on fire?
My laptop.
12. What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
72 hours
13. Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation.
I had this weird dream that I was witnessing my own funeral, both as myself and as a 5 yr. old. I was looking at the cross but there was no date on it. I mean, I know dreams don't really have an explanation but I'd love to know wtf was I thinking that night.
14. Who is your fauvorite music group right now? and song?
Hm. Don't really have one, but I like Stone Sour.
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
I'm single and make enough money for a very comfortable existence. I don't know, I might want a change, but this kinda works for me at the moment.
16. Last thing you bought?
Oxfort Illustrated Dictionary, yoghurt and teryiaki sauce for my attempts at cooking.
17. Who was your crush as a kid?
My neighbor's much older son.
18. What one book makes you happy every time you read it?
The Legends of Olympus. Those were so much cooler than fairytales when I was a kid.
19. What would you do if you became pregnant unexpectedly?
No idea. Financially, I could raise a kid by myself, but I'm not sure I'd be up for it otherwise. I'd probably keep it though.
20. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite sex?
I'm not sure there was much of a plan there... I have no idea.