ideare wrote in amanivuote Jun 01, 2017 16:30
.z nation, .doctor who, -12, !writerverse, +fanfics, -cassandra, -the doctor, +fic banners, .dark matter, -bill potts, -six | griffin jones
ideare wrote in amanivuote Oct 13, 2016 20:04
+banners, -grandmother willow, -ignatious "iggy", .harry potter, +icons, -cobb, -alvis akari, -carl, -snow white/mary margaret blanchard, -ron weasley, .z nation, !landsofmagic, -keith, .voltron, -jay, -lance, .the little mermaid, -hunk, -chief powhatan, +fic banners, .true blood, .supernatural, .pocahontas, +character images, -john smith, .iron man, -sam winchester, -pidge, .up, -dutch/yalena yardeen, -neville longbottom, -harry potter, +chapter images, .spirited away, -chihiro/sen, -emma swan, -shiro, -iron man, -mako mori, .the lost boys, -pepper potts, -cassandra, .pirates of the caribbean, .men in black, .once upon a time, -governor ratcliffe, -pocahontas, -ariadne, .birdman, -ponyo, -captain jack sparrow, -jessica hamby, .2001: a space odyssey, .pacific rim, -sosuke, -shaun, -dave bowman, .killjoys, -sarah teller, .inception, +picspams, .shaun of the dead, -arthur, .ponyo, -sirius black
ideare wrote in amanivuote Apr 15, 2016 20:58
.z nation, !landsofmagic, -doc, +character images, -citizen z, -cassandra
ideare wrote in amanivuote Feb 28, 2016 20:42
.z nation, -amelia pond, .doctor who, +fanfics, -jodi | stormy, !allthingsfandom, -rory williams, -cassandra, -tobias campbell, -citizen z