Nov 25, 2005 16:40
Thanksgiving proved very pleasant. My dad, brother, cousins, and I went for a walk in the park once the sun had set because the park officials put up the lights and decorations. Our pace was extremely brisk, though, since the temperature couldn't hike its butt up past forty degrees. Actually, I didn't really look at any of the festive Christmas ornamentation; I kept my scarf wrapped around my face and my head down the entire time in an attempt to fight off the bitter cold. Thank goodness I had the others with me because cars nearly hit me a couple times because I never saw them coming. On the way home, I almost walked into a parked car, which made me exclaim, "Oh, shit!" and my dad laugh. I love making him laugh, even at my own expense (note: this is not a strict rule, but a generalization).
Speaking of my dad, I misinterpreted his money gift at my first day of college. He informed me that I did not quite accurately express it here. He called it a garnish, which fits very well because it is green and one would never eat it. According to him, he meant to satisfy the college thirst for money, not "do the only thing he could for me." In retrospect, my explanation sounds very corny, but I wrote it, like, two months after the event. Time hazed my memory, it seems, but I now I've corrected my slight error. That, or my dad's memory is the one not working, which makes more sense because he's older! His mind isn't decrepit at all, though. He constantly exercises his intellectuality in many ways (i.e. cross-word puzzles, work, gardening, car-hunting, reading, solitaire, etc.). He's pretty cool, and I'm not just saying that because I know he's reading this.
Conner's pretty cool, too. Honestly, Conner's just awesome. I love how similar we are. We do bicker, but never for extended periods with hurt feelings. Sometimes we just enjoy frustrating one another. Yesterday, I fed him his lunch, and he surprised me when he grabbed my hand. Instead of trying to knock the spoon out of my hand as usual, he gently pulled the spoon to his mouth. Was this a total fluke? No, because he repeated the action five more times. Once I became accustomed to a helpful Conner, though, he jerked that image away and converted to his butt-hole persona, shoving my hand in the hopes of making a mess. I enjoy it all very much, though; I'm fairly sure I do stuff like that, too, in my own right. Nothing comes to mind at the moment, but I'm certain something like that exists. Dad and I took Conner back to the center this morning, and we said goodbye until Christmas break. I hope these next three weeks go by quickly.
By the way, CSI rocked last night. Will and Grace and Without a Trace (total rhyme!) were pretty good, but not astounding. That's fine, though, as long as they redeem themselves next time. Now I must help load the car. Today we drive to Louisville. That means... today I see Harry Potter!!! Rupert Grint, here I come!
(By the way again, I'm not really intimidated at the moment, but I wanted my dad to see a funny ferret face.)