Nov 23, 2005 20:49
Home again, home again! It feels nice, too. It felt even nicer at my massage today. My mom scheduled a cranio-sacral therapy appointment for me with her favorite clinic, and I practically melted and spilled off the table. Cranio-sacral therapy aims to correct the body's spine and tissue after a traumatic event and uses light touch with determined direction to do so. (My dad's take on this technique is "to pull one's head out of one's ass," though I like to think it requires more finesse.) Without realizing it, I experienced this therapy for the second time, the first time occurring when I hurt my back my sophomore year of high school. I thoroughly enjoyed it and nearly feel asleep once or twice. However, my favorite part is that for proper recovery, a patient requires several visits, so I made an appointment for Christmas break. How relaxing it will be! Especially after finals! I dearly love my mother.
Following the massage, Mom and I went to Gene's, our health food store of choice (here in Owensboro, anyway). Then we picked up Conner, whom I haven't seen in ages, it seems. He fussed at me a bit, as he always does, but he brightened considerably when I offered to feed him some CremeSavers yogurt. Devoted as I am to Kroger yogurt, even I must admit the CremeSavers' superiority and good taste. Conner readily does as well, hence his enthusiasm. This evening my mom and I paid a very happy visit to the Owensboro Kroger (one of two, actually) and shopped for Thanksgiving goodies. As my contribution this year (besides helping clean and all), I will prepare the green beans. I like them, and they're easy; therefore, why the hell not? No reason, so enjoy them we will!
Last night rocked, too. While my mom picked up my grandparents from my aunt's house, Morgan and I spent some time bonding. I showed him
Facebook and my LiveJournal, and we talked about stuff and took fun pictures. It's so strange and yet very understandable that siblings only truly begin to get along once they're apart.
My friend Emily just called me! We spoke on the phone for half an hour, and I am very pleased to hear she is well. I greatly anticipate hearing the news of her college choice this spring. I can't deny that I'm rooting for Centre, but college is a very personal choice, which others should not attempt to influence. Until then I will keep my mouth shut and hope for the best ("hope for the best" as in the best for her, not as in hoping for Centre because it's the best (though I like to think it is)).
I sketched out this year's Christmas card tonight, too, and I'm pretty proud of it. Tomorrow I will ink and color it before making a million copies to send to everyone. I think I might need a second cartridge of ink since this year I am adding my college people to my home people. By no means is that a bad thing, though, and I can't wait for everyone's reactions. As of yet no one at Centre knows of my artistic capabilities, so it will be a fun surprise. If anyone cares, it will be, anyway. I might have to swear off life and all its splendors if no one gives a rat's butt about my doodling! Not really, but I also have a knack for exaggerating.
Tomorrow will be a good day, though I abhor eating early. By my acquaintances' standards, though, my family and I will eat late at around three o'clock. I think five o'clock is early for a feast, so I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. Actually, it's not so bad.... I can have a light lunch... and then leftovers for dinner! That sounds like a good plan since leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving. My dad's stomach anxiously growls for turkey sandwiches and soups. Myself, I like the stuffing best, so hell yes! Oh! And a new CSI tomorrow! It will astound me, I just know it! In the promo it shows this guy overeating, then he dies, and his coroner declares during the autopsy that "he has a buffet in his stomach." Best episode ever? Potentially so! If it's gross, though, when will I eat? Before, and then barf because the episode is graphic? I won't be hungry during. After? I will probably be hungry then if I watch something to take my mind off the awesomeness of CSI. Methinks TV influences me a mite too much. Oh, well. I think it's fun.
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
cranio-sacral therapy,