Oct 22, 2008 19:31
Good things:
My audit class had a really great guest speaker today. Very informative and interesting and eye-opening. She was a nice woman, too, and listening to her sufficiently distracted me and calmed me down from worrying about my Arthur midterm I would take right after that class.
My midterm went pretty well, I guess/hope. I wasn't horrendously stumped by most of the questions, and if I got things wrong, they were only little things. Still, those little things add up. Hopefully 'twill turn out okay.
Recited the first 18 lines of the General Prologue today. I said them pretty darn well before class when I practiced with a friend, but then after class when I was in front of the prof. to recite them, I got a little flustered and forgot the first line. I figured it out and made it through the rest without too much difficulty (some pauses, though), and he ended up giving me 3 of the 4 possible extra credit points. In light of the extra credit I unknowingly received for going to the Shakespeare in Politics convo last night (apparently, attendance wasn't required), I'm pleased enough with that.
Also got Brit. Lit. papers back today. The ones due just before break. I made an 88, which counts as a B+ with Sir Razzy, and I'm pleased with that as well. Honestly, I have had prof.s who would have thoroughly butchered that same paper if I tried to turn it in, but I think Razzy is just more laid-back about other people's writing styles. He made comments on it, still, but he didn't grade solely on that. My writing was a bit all over the place, and that was partially because I wasn't comfortable with the topic I chose. I chose it before I knew better, and that's my fault. Anyway, I worked hard on it and didn't churn out utter crap, but it definitely wasn't my best, and I definitely didn't have an entirely thorough grasp of the info about which I was trying to write. So an 88? I will take that with a "please and thank you plus added appreciative groveling."
And the book I have to have read by Friday for my audit I totally just read while at the gym. Boo-yah!
Bad things:
Now I have to study for my Brit. Lit. midterm on Friday (also with Sir Raz). Review session at 9:00 in the library. Wee.
Went to Cento meeting last night and chose/was assigned my next article. It's a good one. It will be fun, and it won't be too difficult either. The issue? Due Friday by noon. Will that be happening? No. But I will have it done before Monday for sure.
Still have to finish (aka write because two starting pages is no where near done) my short story for Tuesday.
And completely unrelated to "homework/crap to go," though equally bad in its own right...I accidentally dropped the hematite ring I got at the Apple Festival on Saturday. Dropped it on my tile floor in my dorm room. And it shattered. Shattered. Into five fragments, but still. What. The. Hell. One moment I was thinking, "Oops. Dropped my ring. Better pick it up." And then I heard it explode on the floor, and I had no thoughts. I couldn't believe it. It's made out of stone, for God's sake! I called up my mom, she answered with a "hello?" and I answered her with a "I am so pissed!"
Stupid two dollar ring. I have another one that I bought to the "thumb" one, so it is understandably a bit larger than the other, which fit my middle finger, but the thumb one fit Saturday. It doesn't fit now. Why? Because it was warm in the 'Boro on Saturday, and it's crisp and just a bit chilly here now. Which, according to a very reliably source (I forget whom at the moment, so this person can be an anonymous source as well), means my fingers have shrunk because they're cold. So I can't even wear my thumb ring until it warms up again, say, sometime next year in May. April, if I decide to be optimistic about it. So grar.
F*ing hematite rings. >: (
fall break,
creative writing,