So I went to see a urologist yesterday (fun fun) and they've scheduled me for another test/procedure. It's called a
cystoscopy. They'll put me under and then fill up my bladder with liquid and dye to see if I have bladder endo or
Interstitial Cystitis. Great, something else for me to deal with. Fortunately, IC can be treated easier than endo, by watching diet and stress. The appointment left me feeling very sore and yucky today. It makes me apprehensive for my appointment with my GI doctor later this month. I'll probably end up having a colonoscopy. YUCK!
But at least I made it to work ALL FIVE DAYS this week. I can't remember the last time I did that. I'll probably take it easy this weekend. There goes my fun trip to Dickson Street and the Electric Cowboy. : (