Cookie of the Week: Shortstacks and Crunch Cookies

Apr 03, 2011 11:05

This weekend we are back to the basics and back to the cheaper cookies. Five and six for a dozen! Come on, who wouldn't shell out a fiver for a dozen cookies to arrive at your doorstep this week? You won't have to do anything! Score! Isn't that the price of a trenta moka java latte crappucchino?

Short Stack Cookies

These have been described by several tasters as "the perfect dunkable cookie". Made with real maple syrup, these cookies are crispy and crunchy, and are supposed to taste like pancakes with syrup. I don't think they do personally, and I have to admit that I prefer chewy cookies, but whenever I make these, I end up eating about a dozen. There's just something about them! These little suckers are packed and waiting to come to your house! They will be staying about a day or less, because I swear, you will have no power.

Ingredients: butter, sugar, egg, maple syrup, baking soda, salt, vanilla, flour.
Price: $5/dozen
Available: 5 dozen

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Crunch Cookies

These babies are a bastardization of the Chocolate Chip Crunch cookie. Instead of semisweet chips, I used a mix of peanut butter chips and milk chocolate chips. The dough is still that classic chocolate chip cookie dough you love, but the crunch is crushed corn flakes.

These cookies are bigger all around, but very flat. The low temp and butter content prevents them from becoming cakey, so they are crispy on the rim and a little soft in the middle! Like the other cookies, you will sit down to eat these and then realise that they're gone.

Ingredients: butter, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, salt, vanilla, eggs, flour, corn flakes, milk chocolate chips, peanut butter chips
Price: $6/dozen
Available: 1

PAYMENT: If you want something, comment here! Then when I give the okay, paypal the fundage to amandr at gmail dot com.

Next week: a recipe I had to translate from French! And an Austrian cookie. We'll toss them both in a bag and let them fight it out.

buy mah cookies, cookies, get jiggy with it, daleks are all up in my shit, lulz, o_o, v only reads my tags, experimentz, zhen bang!, baking, nostalgia, fuck yeah

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