verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse!

Apr 10, 2010 02:12


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1. Bruce Lee plays ping-pong with a nunchuck. It's Bad. Ass.

2. I haven't even finished introducing everyone yet, and my Big Bang is at 10K. Granted, about 3500 of that’s scraps of post episode one, with Jack and stuff, but. Yeah, I'm in love with my fic.

3. I keep having strange dreams. Last week, I dreamed about earthly_gnome at least three times (Jesus, man, learn how to make a pulled pork sandwich!). Then it was me and Jack Harkness as serial killers. But Thursday night I dreamt that I went to see my sister-in-law, kwanalicious where she was attending university (still! Sorry K! Maybe you were in grad school or something!), and I saw Tianyu there. He was there studying, and it was awkward, like I was all "YOU WERE DEAD" and he was all blushing, "yeah about that…" He paid a lot of lip service to getting back together, but it was clear that he had a new life there and possibly a girlfriend, and as I tried to like, be in his dorm room with him, all his friends were like, "who is this chick?" and it was clear that I was not supposed to be there. It's pretty clear how to interpret that dream (and K, sorry, but you knew and you were like, "Yeah, he asked me not to tell you."), but it bothered me all day. To the point when after dinner, when I was talking to someone and the conversation came around to Tianyu, as it sometimes does, I actually, for the first time in my life wanted to say, "Could we just not talk about Tianyu?" I mean, it wasn't their fault and I wasn't made at them for bringing him up, lord knows I do it all the time. This is the first time in which I would just rather not deign to say his name or whatever. All the real reasons I have to be mad at him in life and I get pissed to not-speaking over a fictional dream.

Of course today is his birthday, which is both strange and sad. He would have been thirty today, and I would have made many many jokes. And he would have rolled his eyes and given me the finger. And then we would have had "OMG OLD PEOPLE ARE THIRTY!SEX" because that is what we did. Seriously, I got pregnant the one month we were using as a dry run for the actual babymaking effort. We weren't going to start "trying in earnest" until April. March was just for fun. Whoops.

4. Thanks everyone for the kind words last week. I just couldn't think of things to say in response. But I saw them all, and I was touched. Touched by a ninja. No fr srs, it was nice of all of you.

5. Uhm. I made a big bang for myself because I needed a deadline, and then some crazy people(flocked b/c he's a precious snowflake, Crue is) also signed up. So if you feel like it, we're going for it. The only requirement is that at some point in time messy sandwiches must make an appearance. I don't know how that started, but there it is. I hear that blue_fjords is doing it for SPN, BUT I HAVE YET TO SEE A SIGN UP. COME ON, MY LOVELY. MAKE IT PAN-FANDOM. BI….FANDOM. YOU PEOPLE AND YOUR LABELS. LIKE ARMANI AND HANES.

6. Speaking of fanfic, MAN, YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BUSY over at touchyerwood. Page six alone needs at least three handy wipes.

7. And lastly, thanks so much for everyone who voted for me over at the Children of Time Awards. I am so pleased that you liked the Het and the Three or Moresome (and to win close to Foxay! Rowr!), but that you voted for When Taken Apart when I know it's depressing as hell…I was chuffed and thanks so very very much. And congrats to everyone and their mum for winning! It's like my friendslist came all over the page! Yaaaaaaay!

links to stuff, picking at scabs, dreams, tempest, writing fanfic, awards, torchwood, videos, tianyu

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