by the power of ikea! i flistspam you!

Aug 18, 2009 15:51

Okay, another fic related question, and it starts, predictably with:

IN LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, Laura and her husband have a child, and they don't name it right away. I forgot how long they wait, but it is a curious amount of time. That got me thinking about how long one could wait to name a child before the authorities got up their arse. My google fu is not working because I think I am picking the wrong keywords and combos.

Aside from the various reasons why a couple (or a trio ::innocent whistling::) might not settle on a name right away, how long to you thin k they might be able to get away with it? Two weeks? Two months? I mean, this is all about the birth certificate, I guess, but do they FORCE you to choose a name? I had mine all picked out, so it never really came up.

Also, I have no idea what to name this kid. Shitbears.

torchwood, writing fanfic, halp

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