some said the local lake had been enchanted.

Aug 17, 2009 10:43

1. I am both repulsed and intrigued. And hungry.

2. We have issues:

Amand-r: I bet Rhys is the occasional cuddler.
Foxy: Rhys, yeah.
Amand-r: with his massive bear paws.
Amand-r: he and Jack should get into one of those girly slap fights with their giant man hands. It'd be like if you and I strapped tennis rackets on our wrists and went to town.
Foxy: LOL that would be excellent.
Amand-r: Raaaaaghr.

Then we decided the world needs more Jack/Rhys with a reasonable explanation.

3. Let's talk for a minute about the SRS. I have a fic in which someone is a paraplegic as a result of Canary Wharf. Oh hell, it's Lisa. Anyway, here's the thing. It's not that she hasn’t made peace with what happened, because Lisa is pretty "this totally blows, and I'll deal with it," but I'm worried about my audience when, at some point in the future, through a series of timey wimey stuff, Lisa regains her ability to walk.

This is not to say that I think that paraplegia is something bad in the sense that those with it are less. But I I'm just going to be honest about myself-- if I lost my ability to walk and then was given the opportunity to do so again, I would jump at the chance. I can't imagine a situation in which I wouldn't. And this is not, I repeat not, similar to someone from the Deaf community deciding not to gain the ability to hear, because Deafness isn't a "disability" the way that paraplegia is from a medical standpoint, in most cases, I gather. And I don't even really like the word disability, but transable, maybe. But nonetheless a transability that some people were not born into, and if given the opportunity, might choose to give up to return to their old form. Does THAT make sense?

I just want to gauge reactions, because I don't know how people will feel about this. I think it's a logical set of reactions on her part, and how she approaches it will be how others in the fic approach it. On the other hand, no matter how much research I do, I am not a paraplegic, and I cannot speak for them. I have been spending a lot of time on and other sites to look into BIID. And I'm still pretty confident that this can be done with grace. It is a very science fictiony plot, because, hello? TORCHWOOD, but I don't want to make it seem as if I'm not looking at all the angles.

If you are transabled and have an opinion, please email me, if I could please pick your brain, or you know, if you have more info than I do, or personal experience. My flist is awesome like that. You could also put it in the comments below.

On the other hand, I was thinking about it again, and I might not even be necessary in the story. The walking. Hrm. I mean, it can go either way, actually. Hrm. Now I am torn.

4. Dreamt poorly last night but cannot remember anything.

5. Listening to Regina Spektor on auto play. Yeah, it's going to happen all day.

links to stuff, chit-chat, recipes, dreams, porn, halp, music, torchwood

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