Just in case you never saw this.

Jun 23, 2009 10:46

Is lj kinda borked for anyone else? I went to the front page and all I got was some lam ass icon ( Read more... )

personal wiggety-wack, cooking, true blood, writing fanfic, viola

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amand_r June 23 2009, 18:27:12 UTC
Lafayette is the shit. and I was never so happy to see someone live as I was last week when they pulled Miss Jeanette out of the car. I hope they make him a vampire too. Mostly because I want to see him beat the shit out of Jason.

GOD, I hate Jason. In this show, I really do.

I like Jessica, for all that she's not in the books. I like her whole "schtick" with being new and impulsive (how cute was that conversation Sookie and Bill had in bed at the beginning?), and I feel for her, when she doesn't even know that she cried blood tears. Bill- worst parent ever. OTOH, sometimes it reminds me of the concept of what singles fathers do when they have a teenage girl and no female role model to explain things like menstruation to them.

I don't think he's going to kill the family either, and I think he might do the whammy. I forgot about the whammy. I do like that he just flat out told Sookie, "I have to clean up your shit," because I don't think he ever said anything like that to her before. That gives me a Bill I think is more "real" as it were.

I can so take or leave Marianne most of the time. I don't get where this is going with her, because it's SO different from the books. I mean, I can hazard a few guesses, but they'd all be really vague. Michelle Forbes is like a hot Hope from Thirtysomething.


sinanju June 23 2009, 19:53:00 UTC
Yeah, Lafayette's a fun character. Which is why I kinda doubt they'll kill him off. If they were gonna do that, they could have had him be the body in Andy's car like in the books. So--vampire? Possibly. Or Eric & company didn't drink as much blood as it looked like they were gonna.

I don't hate Jason. He's a lot more of a dimwit than in the books, though.

Yeah, my guess is Bill will just put the mind whammy on Jessica's family to forget what happened. And he's right to read Sookie the riot act. That was a seriously boneheaded play and could have gotten a lot of people killed.

I have no idea where they're going with Marianne either. A hot Hope? I remember her--Mel...something was the actress. Sorta. But way, way hotter.


amand_r June 23 2009, 20:42:53 UTC
Okay, so I don't HATE Jason. I hate his plot lines, I think. Right now they seem so disjointed and not in line with the rest of the show, but that's BS because he's in Dallas, and soon Sook and Eric will be going there.

You have yet to weight in on the question that is killing me: what is with Pam and Eric and those track suits? Why? OTOH, Pam's looking kinda scrumptious in blue velour.


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