Sep 23, 2007 04:25
I know some of you have been wondering where and how I've been. I took a sabbatical from LJ (and the rest of the world for the most part) mainly because I had some kind of anti-social attitude going on. I distanced myself not only from my friends, but from my family too. I've been through one of the roughest emotional times in my life, mostly due to my depression. I went to some very scary places in my head - so much so that I almost had myself committed.
I'm feeling somewhat better now, but definitely not %100 yet. In fact, I have what I call my yo-yo days...up, down and sideways with the string sometimes getting tangled. Thankfully I have the support of my hubby and sister, and surprise, surprise, even my mother. They yank me back into reality when I lose touch.
I really have missed you all. Because of the mind-fuck-fog I was in, I'd forgotten what a great support system I had in you. I feel like a crappy friend for not being there for you guys. I hope to rectify that soon. I care, I really really do.