My wife and I are doing a huge, massive de-crap-i-fication of our house. Considering we've lived here nearly six years, we're both packrats, I produce piece of paper for a living, and we have a toddler and two cats, guess what? It's a lot of crap. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon going through old notebooks, to see if they had enough blank pages to be worth saving, or if they contained things I'd want to keep.
In one, almost-finished notebook, I found something I thought I'd lost: the opening scene of Astral Projection.
Astral Projection was supposed to be my 2010 Big Bang piece. I even got so far as writing an outline and filling in the final scene, and part of another pivotal one. But, before that, it was the first story I started seriously working on. (Interestingly, I had started outlining what would become Machines of Freedom around the same time--by saying, "you know, what I would do if they let me write XF3 is...")
In any case, I wrote the first scenes of what I'm now calling Astral Projection in a notebook I carried around with me, while sitting on the playground keeping half an eye on my niece, hoping she would neither fall off the climbing bars nor punch another child in the face. (Any resemblance between this depiction and a certain fictional character is, of course, entirely coincidental.) I've lost the second scene, now, and I thought I'd lost the first, but here it is, just as I wrote it, long before I'd even seen IWTB.
I want to finish this story. It's not actually going to be that long--okay, it'll probably hit 10-15K, because it's a lot of story, but that doesn't feel that long to me. I don't know when I'll get back to it; there are other things preoccupying me first. But, while we want to see?
Warning: these are scanned from my handwritten version. That means you are contending with my handwriting. How bad is my handwriting? Bad enough that, when other ethnographers and I are talking about what measures we use to make sure our fieldnotes are sufficiently confidential, I am comfortable saying that my handwriting is security measure enough. I can read these. Barely.
Second Warning: I wrote these nearly three years ago. I've written maybe 250,000 words in the past three years? More than that, actually, if I think both about work and fic. So, you know, I'm probably a better writer now; certainly more sure in my characterization.
But, anyway. Enjoy.
Click through if they aren't big enough.
astral projection
astral projection
astral projection It's just too bad I no longer have the ghostly-or-hallucinated-depending-on-who-you-ask pot of sopa de limón scene. That one was funny.
(Another couple hundred words of this story are in
this post. Angst warning.)
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