
Jun 01, 2010 10:18

This weekend was interesting to say the least. I've been having extreme good and bad stuff happen to me in waves. If I was ever sure of one thing it's that no matter what I will try to make sure the good stays with me more then the bad.

Things are going pretty well, I'm trying to keep up with class and I'm working which is nice. I am registered for three online classes for the summer. We'll see how that goes since I will be working almost full time. I'm confident that I can discipline myself well enough to handle that, since I have taken two of the classes before (couldn't finish due to circumstances)they should not pose a challenge to me. I'm also taking a medieval/ancient worlds class for the fuck of it. ^__^ I loves me some history, keeps my brain from going into melt mode.

Personal life is alright, making new friends and letting some slip away. I love my friends a ton <3 Especially since lately I've had wild mood swings and everyone's been so amazing dealing with me. :D
Also want to add in that I have been enjoying all the time hanging out with Josh. Since this is my journal I want to remember how happy I've been, it's mostly the cause of hanging out with him and Amber.

I would write about my family relations as of yet, but so far it's all stagnate. Great grandma is getting chemo, grandma had a surgery and is fine, mom and me are not talking still, dad and I are still cool but distant in our own lives. I'm proud of Gunner for making a life for himself. Blah blah blah My family life is, however, the most constant thing I have in my life.

And as I just told my friend, you just got to let life happen sometimes. So here I am just letting things happen and taking it in the best I can. :]

weekend, love, friends, school, life, family

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