Mar 02, 2010 19:14
- Math project (everyone else is in a group of 5..I am ALONE! x_x;;) Power point needed [[March 10th]]
- *EDIT* Just found out my Math Exam 4 is [[March 11]]
- German skit with group 10-15 mins [[March 15]]
- German "show and tell" alone 4 mins [[March 18]]
- Berlin city tour with group of 3 & 20 mins [[March 11]]
- Berlin test [[March 8]]
- Work this Friday [[March 5]]
- Homework and reading for Berlin class due [[March 8]]
- Homework for math due [[march 5]]
- Vocab Quiz in German TOMORROW!
So basically in the next two weeks I need to get all this done, study, still do the regular workload required just like every other week and meet with two groups outside of class time to finish two of the projects. Two of which I need to MEMORIZE in German word for word if I want an A. Which...let's be honest here, I cannot get lower then an A in either German or Berlin if I want a 3.6 GPA this quarter. x__x;;
On top of all the school work I am sick [thanks to Candyce who I miss so much it hurts] and have German club, and those activities we do like the bake sale. I have S3, which I could drop but I have ONE last party I am signed up for biggy I need SOME fun. Oh yeah and all that crying during sex BS. Figuring that out has to be put on hold for the class stress.
It's okay because I GOT THIS!
I will outshine myself and show the world how fucking BAS ASS I am.
Thank you LJ for allowing me to vent. ONTO THE PILE OF SCHOOLWORK I GO!
candy rose,