Bonjour mes chéries!

Sep 25, 2009 08:44

Au fond de son âme, cependant, elle attendait un événement. Comme les matelots en détresse, elle promenait sur la solitude de sa vie des yeux désespérés, cherchant au loin quelque voile blanche dans les brumes de l'horizon. -Madame Bovary

I am stressed, but I can deal with it.
This weekend will require my full efforts and energy in to catching up with school work, but I accept the responsibility of my actions and so these are the consequences.
I stayed up last night and got through two chapters of psychology, took two quizzes, and started the first personal application essay.
I want to complete the essay by this afternoon, and write one of the two communications essays I have to do this weekend. And then, I will have to dedicate all of Saturday and Sunday to studying for chemistry.

Other than the school work, I plan to make today a wonderful day.
I'm sipping on Vanilla Chai tea right now. MMM.
I'm going to go purchase my sister's birthday present after I take a shower and get dressed. She wants a coffee maker for her dorm room so I'm going to get her that and then some coffee grounds and some cool stuff to mix into her coffees (although that's probably a waste of money because she's strictly a milk and sugar girl).
Depending on how much I spend on her, I may go to this store that I dropped in yesterday after acting class. I tried on seven different things and I fell madly in love with all of them. That never happens. Usually for every ten items I try on, I'll find one that I like. But seven for seven LOVES yesterday, so I need to buy at least one thing!
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