Aaron Eckhart is Bill Pullman but significantly blonder

Jul 30, 2008 10:06

I've just had a week off from work. It started off well, got shit around the middle and then perked up near the end. I'm still looking for a new place but I'm staying with my Dad for the next week or two so everything is fine and spiffy.

I'll probably never get around to writing those movie reviews I promised since they're all very low down on my list of stuff that needs doing, so instead I'll just do really short ones like this: The Dark Knight was an enjoyable film if a little unfocused plot-wise. The action was good, the dialogue was often very good and although I thought Two-Face was a bit wasted, Ledger's Joker may quite possibly end up being my favourite interpretation of the villain.

Anyway, here's those comics again for mr_mitts and anyone else who missed them first time around or has lost them since:

URBAN STRIKE - probably the silliest comic ever to be adapted from an Electronic Arts game.

MANIAC 5 (and 6) - Mark Millar's masterfully manufactured metallic military madness.

BIG DAVE - I assumed you probably also lost the adventures of Manchester's Hardest Man...

I was so happy when I stumbled upon this on YouTube, as it features a scene which is not only the best part in Braveheart, but the best part in human civilisation. You see, with Patrick McGoohan, there is no good or evil. There is only HARD.

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